Favorite Read this month

 I am a big fan of NPR and RBG and this book came highly recommended. It was refreshing to read about Nina Totenberg and her friendship with Ruth Bader Ginsberg, as well as with Cokie Roberts.  I am sure this will end up on my favorites of 2023.

I’ve been busy with some art projects, but always keep reading on my daily list of things to to. It’s my way of winding down at night. It’s always nice to curl up with a good book. Happy reading!


  1. This sounds great because like you, I am a fan of NPR and RBG too. And like you, a book is the best way to wind down at night. Happy Easter Nan.

  2. RBG was an amazing woman. Happy Easter! 🐰🐥🐣🌷💐

  3. This book has been on my TBR list for awhile. Should I get through the pile on my bookcase, I'll move this one to the top of the list! I definitely need to schedule more reading time!

  4. I have always respected Ruth Bader Ginsberg. She is one of my idols. I am glad you shared this book. I may try to find it at my library. Happy belated Easter, Nan. I'm running a bit behind this (and lately every) month.


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