T stands for Telling

 ...Nature’s stories. One great way is through art and right now The International Nature Journaling week is happening.  https://www.naturejournalingweek.com/ . It is free and you will find some fantastic offerings in which they explore the three languages of nature journaling - words, pictures and numbers. The presenters are excellent, and if you don’t have time to watch the zoom, there is still a lot to learn and enjoy on the site. You will be inspired to answer those nature journaling prompts...I notice, I wonder, and reminds me of...

As for me, it reminds me, it’s time to head out and enjoy breakfast on the patio. Ahhh, room with a view!

I notice my knock out roses have really started to pop over the last few days. I wonder how they have gone from bud to full bloom in 2 days. It reminds me of one of my favorite photos...Nish on her wedding day, her long dark wavy hair, sparkling blue eyes smiling, dressed in her wedding gown standing in our back garden with my dad’s red knockout roses in full bloom and abundance, the beautiful green grass like a carpet, and our Irish Setter Lady at her feet. Just thinking of it conjures magic for me transporting me back to both simple and momentous moments. How often do we remember to say “Thank you” for all the good things that surround us? For me, often but maybe not often enough. I am going to make more of an effort to notice and appreciate the wonder in life that is all around. Wishing you good things and gratitude.

Roses for remembrance 


  1. Beautiful post, Nan Thank you for all the free workshop links you've provided. You are a treasure

  2. Your roses are gorgeous Nan. I bet it your daughter's marriage was beautiful with all those roses. Thanks for sharing Nan. It is so nice to be able to spend time in all the beauty of nature. Hugs-Erika

  3. I just checked out the nature journaling and I see it might be useful, BUT I don't draw. I love your breakfast and mug of coffee. You have a super view. Far nicer than mine.

    My grandmother LOVED yellow roses, and I think these are beautiful. Thanks for sharing these with us for T this week, Nan.

  4. Such a wonderful post! As soon as Tracy gets our new fence stained, we're off to find at least one, hopefully, two climbing roses. Still have your email about them saved!

  5. Beautiful post! Thanks for sharing the links and wow, those roses look so very pretty - love the colours and blooms 😁. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x


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