Word of the year


That’s it…one, some days, one is all we can manage and that has to be enough.

Obligations, responsibilities, distractions…and whoops that second, that minute, that hour, that day is gone.

So this year I am committing to one, getting one thing done. Changing one thing. Eliminating one thing. Improving one thing. Accomplishing one thing

Maybe they won’t happen on the same day, but there only has to be one thing. That’s enough to count it as a win. Because in my book, today something is better than nothing. 

And now, I have completed one blog post. Nothing special, but sometimes you have to start with one and keep it simple.


  1. Nice to see you back online. One is a good word, and I like stepping back and not feeling like you have to do so many things in one day or at 1 time. hugs-Erika


  2. I have missed you Nan. Your Word of the Year is superb, especially how you have explained and justified it.

  3. Glad to see you back. That's an awesome word. You're such an inspiration!

  4. Delighted to find you online!!! I think it's a great word, and one I'll keep in mind!


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