Words on Wednesday...Another 200th
. Jane Austen, one of my favorite authors, was born on December 16, which was also my mom's birthday. For some crazy reason, I derive extreme joy from this. While my mom wasn't a famous author, she could craft a great story. In a quiet, unassuming way she could suss things out with humor and unique aplomb. Mom spent almost 20 years in a wheelchair, and that made her invisible to many people, but it gave her a great vantage point to witness life's intricacies. I learned it's amazing what you can pick up when no one is noticing you. Like Jane, Mom was a keen observer of human nature. In remembrance of Jane on the 200 anniversary of her passing on July 18, with a special nod to mom, here are some of my favorites: It's tough to choose just one of Jane's novels as a favorite...so I will narrow it to three. Pride and Prejudice, Emma and Mansfield Park. Well, maybe I will add, Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion for good measure! For PBS adaptations, E...