Books...that’s a wrap

Procreate practice 
With number of books read.


January books included two CJ Box books, Badlands and Paradise Valley, because we were watching the show Big Sky based on the series. Another case of the books being better than the adaptation but if you like a quick, murder suspense series with a strong, smart female protagonist, this is a good choice. As far as the series goes, it was entertaining despite deviating from the book and a miscasting of the characters.

I listened to a podcast on Miranda’s Tea and Tattle podcast with Katherine May on her nonfiction book Wintering. I promptly ordered it from the library, a perfect choice for our COVID-19 environment. I preferred the podcast, as that seemed to cover my favorite parts of the book including the poem Prayer by Carol Ann Duffy. 

Another nonfiction book that I came across though a podcast was Gathering Moss by Robin Wall Kimmerer. 

There is a great review and synopsis of the book on Brain pickings. The book offers a poetic thorough explanation of mosses which I found fascinating, and entertaining enough to regale Eugene with information over the course of several walks. I have always loved the undulating, velvety texture of mosses, but I have a newfound appreciation of their magnitude.

Who is Elena Ferrante, the author of My Brilliant Friend? There is quite a mystery surrounding the identity of this author, fueled in part by the huge popularity of the series and the secrecy surrounding her identity. I really enjoyed this book, a series of essays written for The Guardian. I loved getting some insight into her thoughts. My use of exclamation points is forever changed, and while I won’t be stingy, I won’t throw them around with abandon either. Ha!

Rounding my reading in January, a fun calligraphy chick lit recommended by Fiona, Love Lettering by Kate Clayborn, The Shack by William P. Young which was recommended by Ann and sparked an interesting discussion about religion. Lastly, a book off the nightstand Annie Freeman’s Traveling Funeral by Kris Radish. That’s a quick wrap up of January’s reading.

Happy reading.


  1. I have never seen Big Sky. It may be because I haven't seen anything on ABC for awhile. I DO love a good mystery, though.

    Gathering moss sounds interesting, but I've never been into chick flicks. So glad you shared your readings, though, Nan.

  2. You've accomplished a lot of reading. What? Not enough CJ says to entertain Eugene on your walks? 😺 Love your Procreate reading portrait

  3. One of my book groups read a CJ Box mystery quite a few years ago. I enjoyed it, but never went back to the series. I rarely watch TV so it's no surprise I wasn't aware of Big Sky. I read My Brilliant Friend, but wasn't entranced and never went on to the sequels. I'm definitely interested in these essays though!

  4. Nice assorted of books. I haven't read any CJ Box, but I have heard of them. And I like Elena Ferrante's 4 book series about Naples starting with my Brilliant Friend. She is a mystery. Have you learned anything more? Nice month of books Nan. I'm always on the look out for a good read. Have a great month of May. hugs-Erika

  5. Such a beautiful Procreate portrait! Wow, you've certainly read a lot of books each month 😀. Thanks for sharing some of them and sending you happy wishes! Take care! Hugs, Jo x


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