T stands for thoughts

After the horrific massacre in Las Vegas, thoughts can be suspended in anguish, frustration, and disbelief. How can this happen, why does this happen? And our hearts go out to the victims and their families, and respect to the first responders and the ordinary citizens that put themselves in harms way to assist the victims. In the face of such tragedy, there is a glimmer of hope in humanity.

That morning, on my walk, I took a different route, and visited the grave site of Ross Almeddine, who was killed in the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007. While there, I saw two butterflies on daisies someone had planted at a grave site.
butterflies at the cemetery
This was the inspiration for this piece, created to honor the victims of this tragedy.

There is one of my favorite Maya Angelou quotes, and a quote from Catherine Woodiwiss' article  New Normal - 10 things I've learned about Trauma.  As Catherine says, "there is no getting over it.  There is no back to the old me. You are different now, full stop." In the upper right corner is one of my favorite quotes from Theodore Roosevelt. " Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." 

We have no power to bring these victims back, but we must do what we can. Please contact your Representatives and Senators  to support legislation for stricter gun control.  In memory of the victims of mass shootings in Columbine, Virginia Tech, Orlando, and Sandy Hook, as well as all victims of gun violence, let us make a difference in remembering and honoring them. If not now, when? The late night pundits understand it, Jimmy Kimmel understands it, it is time for the politicians to understand it also. This is about the sanctity of human life. To the victims, rest in peace. To the families and all affected by this tragedy, I send love and hope.  And for us all, let us remember not to take our lives or the lives of others for granted. 


  1. Such a poignant piece and beautifully done. Sadly, I don't think much will be done about new legislation as long as politicians sleep with the NRA.

  2. I couldn't agree more! Your page is a beautiful tribute honouring the victims of this tragedy and the quotes you used are perfect 😁. I love your lettering and the butterflies you saw on your walk must be a sign of hope. My prayers are with victims and their families too. Wishing for love and hope! J 😊

  3. wunderschön gemalt für die Trauer und deine Worte berühren eienn für all die Verstorbenen und Angehörige. Es muss anders werden dass die Menschen nicht mehr töten.. der Frieden einkehren sollte in jeden Land!
    Danke für das verlinken zu AJJ!!!
    Umarmung Elke

  4. The tragedy in Las vegas is horrible. How this can continue to happen is surely a sad thing. I won't get all political but I think you created a beautiful tribute to all those people. Hugs-Erika

  5. What a wonderful tribute to the victims - beautiful created ! It is so sad that such things happen .
    Thank you very much for joining us at AJJ!

  6. This is poignant. It's a beautiful and fitting tribute.

    I hate to say it, but we've been down this road so many times before, I wonder if we aren't all numb to what has happened. The same stories of bravery and courage, the same fears, only the names and faces have changed. When we have a president who wants to start a war with another country, how can we expect our politicians to do anything about gun control, or getting "a few" guns off the street? Sorry, off my soapbox, now!

  7. Nan, it's a beautiful post, and a stunning piece of art and calligraphy. I really believed that Sandy Hook would be the turning point in getting some kind of gun control passed. I have to admit, when nothing happened, I gave up hope. Tom Friedman had a great column in today's (Wednesday) Times. He says our only hope now is the 2018 midterm elections. It's essential to find lawmakers who are courageous and independent enough to buck the lobbies and the party line.

  8. A beautiful, poignant page at this sad time!

  9. So beautiful and a fitting tribute and thoughts about our latest tragic event. Words escaped me...yours fill me with hope and peace...tho' I have no confidence whatsoever that our current lawmakers wil do anything...theirs is definitely a different drummer and allegiance.


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