T stands for tea and scones

On a visit to Tower Hill, I picked up this book which has provided inspiration for some day trips.

Blithewold  Mansion, Rhode Island

Sweeping view from the patio 
Narragansett Bay
A lovely table setting
Before the arrival of tea and scones
How did I forget to take a picture?
It was delicious!
Here’s a glimpse of the inside of the house.
Detailed woodwork and skilled craftsmanship in every room

And beautiful gardens outside too.

This was a really fun day, just a car ride away. Set on 33 acres, with a beautiful 45 room mansion, large flower gardens, specimen trees, with seating throughout, it’s a great place to visit often.


  1. Looks like such a wonderful place to visit! Love the afternoon tea setting and the house and gardens look so amazing - perfect 😁. So glad you had a lovely time! Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  2. DO you know the history of the house and the family that built it? The house and gardens look beautiful.

    best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  3. I think I need that book Nan. Thanks so much for mentioning it. This year I've traveled to a few gardens in and around New England, including Tower Hill which is on the way to my Mom's in Worcester. It's beautiful. How fun to be able to have tea and scones in such a beautiful place too. Gardens are always so much fun to visit, aren't they? Have a wonderful rest of your T day. Hugs-Erika

  4. Oh this is a gorgeous setting for a lovely afternoon tea. You are second person today who had scones and tea,. The gardens, the perfect setting, it all adds up to a wonderful view for scones and tea at T this Tuesday, dear Nan.

  5. Looks like a beautiful place. Gorgeous view for tea and scones. 45 rooms. I’m glad I don’t have to clean that house. I can barely take care of my little dollhouse 😺 happy T Day

  6. Blithewold Mansion is beautiful. Tea and scones seem like the perfect event to experience the atmosphere. I am off to look up this lovely place.
    Happy Tea Day,

  7. I always enjoy seeing beautiful gardens! Great setting for tea and scones, very tasteful. Happy T day!

  8. Beautiful gardens and building - what a treat to visit there. I am craving some tea and scones now - two posts about them are a sign we should all have some right? Lovely place and thank for sharing this day trip with us, Nan. Happy T-day!

  9. How nice to have such a wonderful place to visit so near. Happy T Day!

  10. I'm sorry I'm late again in commenting. Tuesday is a day we usually are away from home and as Blogger doesn't like iPhones or iPads, I cannot do anything until I get back home to my desktop. Sometimes this is quite late, so here I am on Wednesday...
    Blythewood Mansion is beautiful and what a gorgeous setting! Such a lovely view!
    I love the table setting. I recognize the china. Beautiful!
    Tea and scones. I really must make some scones again soon. They are so easy to make and so quick too.
    Happy belated T-Day,

  11. You live in such a beautiful area, and so close to so many wonderful places and sights! This is no exception! We've been feasting on scones here--delicious blueberry and lemon scones I made for a friend's visit to our patio.

  12. I'm tempted to relocate every time I see someone post about the beautiful gardens in that part of the country. Gorgeous! Happy T Day

  13. Ohhh this is a beautiful place. You are fortunate to be able to visit there.


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