
 Those small things that can add happiness to your day…microjoys. 

A beautiful sunset definitely adds to my joy! Keeping my posting streak going, another Microjoy.

My envelope exchange cards in the mail…a microjoy I haven’t experienced in a while.

A long overdue skype call with CJ, definitely joy infused microjoy.

Look for the good,  even during challenging times, we can find joy in nature and in the little things!


  1. This post reminds me of a book I've just begun, and already know I will love---"Enchantment" by Katherine May. I didn't particularly care for her big hit, Wintering, but this is lovely. Also listened to a wonderful podcast with Dacher Keltner on On Being yesterday while we were driving. He wrote "Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life." I started it just before we left on our three week road trip, and can't wait to get back to it. I bought "Enchantment" in Racine when I took Caleb to choose his books for our book club. I promptly read the first chapter and bought a new set of Book Darts to mark passages yesterday when we were at Ann Patchett's book store in Nashville. (Where I bought three more books!)

  2. What a great way to describe the little things. Our Skype chats are so much fun and I'm looking forward to the outing at Tower Hill.

  3. I like how you describe your happy times as microjoys. Rather a grand way to look at these happy events.


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