T stands for Tea, Tuesdays and Ain't that the tooth? I won the silver

T stands for tea...no matter what you might hear about the Irish, the real beverage of choice is Tea! Growing up in an Irish household left absolutely no question about the limitless powers of a cup of tea. If you were in Ireland, the choice was Barry's or Punjama, here in America, Lipton tea was the only option. The first question upon entering the house was, will you have a cup of tea? Mind you, the kettle was on before you had a chance to answer.
Tea Caddy I painted for mom and dad.
And with the tea came conversation and laughs, and a mental challenge, checkers or some other board game, or maybe cards (25 or gin rummy), suduko, or a crossword puzzle.  I learned early that there was a competitive streak running through my family.  We took no prisoners, and my parents were the most ruthless of all.
Simple pleasures shared, and my mom's favorite mug.
A sharp pencil was always close at hand.

We were in it to win it.  Today I will tell you I hold a silver medal, but not because I had a dentist appointment. My bravery in the chair was followed by lunch with one of my dearest friends. We worked together many years ago in Filene's in downtown Boston. I always say that she was the best thing that came out of Filene's. And believe me, while I was there an awful lot came out of Filene's.  Susan trumped me though; she met her wonderful husband there, so she gets the gold. As for us, we share the silver, based on our life long friendship. Now that's something to celebrate over a cuppa.


  1. So glad you joined us, Nan. I was delighted because I have seen you at CJ's and was thrilled to see you at my place, too.

    I'm British by birth, and may or may not be Irish, too, but I adore your gorgeous tea caddy you painted for your parents. It is lovely.

    Had to laugh at how ruthless your family was about winning. It was fun to see others feel they need to win at all cost. Love the sharp pencil and sharper mind, too.

    Thanks for joining us this Tuesday for T. Hope to see you back next Tuesday, too.

    1. Thank you.I am happy the CJ has got me up and running with my blog, though I still have a lot to learn. Your blog is great, with so much to learn. Definitely have a post in mind for next Tuesday which I think you will enjoy. Nice to meet a fellow Celt. ;)

  2. It was a lovely post to read, and I loved your precious tea caddy. Tea is always offered in my home to visitors, coffee in also included as many of my friends have this as their drink of choice.
    I think this makes folk feel welcome, old traditions are good to keep.
    Happy T day.

    1. Thank you so much. I am an equal opportunity beverage lover and also a firm believer in keeping traditions alive.

  3. wonderful post! Lovely tea caddy. And memories and friendships are meant to treasure. I guess i must try Barry's tea since the Irish store and pub I frequent in town carries it;) Happy T day!

    1. Thank you Linda. Definitely try Barry's, lovely with a scone and if you can get it, Kerry Gold Butter. If not, you can always go for that other wonderful Irish drink, Guinness...it's good for you ;)

  4. I really loved reading this post! I love your tea caddy even though I am a coffee drinker! Happy T Day! Chrisx

    1. Thank you Chris. I love the tea caddy too. I always start my day with coffee, as my fuel of choice. Have a great day.

  5. Hi I really enjoyed your post too-your art is very beautiful
    I love tea too
    Happy T Day Kathy

    1. Thank you Kathy, glad you enjoyed my post and art. Tea and Art are mood lifters and happiness enhancers. Have a great day with a cuppa :)

  6. I think a cup of tea is always a relaxing moment. :) And even more so I fondly remember Filene's also. The basement was always fun when I went into the city.:) A bit behind on T day, but hope it was a wonderful one and the dentist wasn't too bad. Erika

    1. Thank you Erica. Tea day was wonderful, and so nice to get comments on my post. I am new to blogging, and have gotten some excellent advice from my good friend CJ, who introduced me to T day. The dentist wasn't bad, but I am a fastidious flosser, for which I am endlessly teased. It all pays off though; my dentist says I have the gums of a 20 year old. :).
      I miss Filene's. I have great memories of it too. Wishing you a relaxing happy day with a cup of tea.

  7. So glad you got the post up! What a pretty tea caddy. Your mother must have enjoyed using it. You worked in Filene's, too? Another thing we have in common. In high school, I worked in Filene's at the Natick Mall. Was in the Lingerie Dept. and hated every minute of it. Happy Belated T Day!

    1. Thanks CJ, Yes my mom loved it, but then she loved everything I did, and of course, she was completely unbiased. May we continue to find more things in common, and may you continue to help me with all my artistic and blogging endeavors, Have a great day.

  8. What a wonderful cup! I love the flowers :) I enjoy tea (Lipton and many other kinds) but also coffee. Friends and a shared beverage -you can't do better than that :)

    Happy T ummmmm.... Wednesday ;)

    1. I agree. I love the cup too. It's Queen's English bone china. It makes me happy just to look at it.

  9. Sorry I'm so late visiting for T Day! The tea caddy is so beautiful with your painting adorning it and is something to be cherished! Nice to meet you and wishing you a Happy Belated T Day! J :-)

  10. Welcome to the T-party, Nan. Sorry, I'm a bit late getting around.

    The tea caddy you painted for your folks is charming. I have Irish heritage too and can relate to a lot of your recollections.

    Belated happy T-day! Eileen

    1. Thanks so much Eileen. Never too late for a good wish.


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