T stands for Traditions

Nothing says traditions like a holiday...and in our house Birthdays have always been treated like holidays! We hold firmly to the belief that if there is a day you are ever going to celebrate, it's the day you were born. Luckily for Fi, her birthday is October 8, which coincides with Columbus day this year, extending the Birthday to Birthday weekend. We lined up all kinds of special treats, starting with a Half Marathon on Saturday, if you can call that a treat..followed up with  some other birthday specials, breakfast out at our favorite diner,  presents, bookstore coffee and browse around,  made to order breakfasts and dinners,  chocolate cake (yum!) and a wind down with one of our favorite hobbies on Monday... painting
Halloween Vignette
Years ago, I painted unfinished wood and sold it at craft fairs. Fi loved to go with me to purchase supplies and attend craft shows looking for ideas.  Although it has been a long time since I have participated in a craft fair, we still have lots of supplies on hand. A rainy Monday proved the perfect time to paint some new pieces to add to our collection. Wow, and a bonus, something for Try it on Tuesday's Halloween challenge.   Of course we are not the only ones getting in to the spirit of Halloween...
in my neighborhood
Luckily we have a little more meat on our bones, thanks to our breakfast...
Birthday cake waffles...and coffee
fit for a Queen and a Princess too!
Birthdays should always be celebrated with waffles with sprinkles...and wishes for all good things, don't you agree Bluebeard and Elizabeth's gang?


  1. Happy Happy Birthday Fi! Looks like you had a wonderful weekend to celebrate. A wonderful tradition to have. Enjoy your year!

  2. Waffles and coffee -nothing better! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. A very happy birthday to Fi. I see you are getting in the holiday spirit at least. That holiday inspired vignette is lovely. I suspect it's time to get my Halloween things out and get in the spirit, too. Your neighbors' porch was out of this world.

    Wow, that waffle looks really wonderful. And it probably makes you feel like a Queen when you're drinking from that mug.

    Thanks for your Halloween inspired vignette and Fi's birthday weekend with waffles and coffee with us for T this Tuesday.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. There are some great halloween decorations in my neighborhood. I have got to get out and take some pictures. Thanks for the good wishes too, Xo Nan

  4. wonderful way to celebrate a birthday-good food, coffee and crafts! Love the Halloween decor. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. We had a lot of fun...I have much more decorations for Halloween. Unfortunately, they are buried! ;)

  5. I totally agree, sprinkles and waffles all round please ...lol 😁. Wishing Fi a very happy belated birthday! It sounds like an amazing weekend of fun and birthday treats, and as alway you sure do celebrate in style - perfect! Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J 😊

    1. Thanks Jo...We really had a fun weekend...forgot to mention, we got Chinese food for Supper the night of the race...another party food in our house. Wishing you a lovely day!

  6. Looks like a fun birthday celebration :) Happy T Tuesday

  7. A happy Birthday to Fi! Happy T-Day and thank you also for joining us at Try It On Tuesday!

    1. Thanks Susi. Halloween is a fun holiday to make decorations and cards for, so I will definitely have more. I love your artwork. Have a great day!

  8. Happy Birthday to Fi! When did the girlies grow up! Where did the days go when they played dress-up and dressed-up poor E? Sounds like you had a great weekend. I love all the activities you did. We need to make plans to get together before the snow flies.

    1. Curse of being the little bro-ha. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. ;) Will call you this week. Talk soon. Xo

  9. Happy Birthday to Fi!! We don't celebrate Birthdays around here much.. .our Holidays to really celebrate are Thanksgiving and Christmas... we go all out for those...And i'm a HUGE fan of Halloween! Happy happy T day!! Hugs! deb

    1. Thanks Deb. Holidays are great...we can think back and count our blessings.

  10. Replies
    1. I loved them..it really made me laugh out loud. Our neighborhood had lots of great halloween decorations! So fun!

  11. sounds like an awesome three day weekend-and fun with a little art thrown in too-Happy T Day hugs Kathy

  12. It looks a yummy birthday treat and I agree they are special occasions. We always celebrate our family Birthdays.
    I loved your Halloween vignette, thank you so much for sharing it with us at TioT's.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Birthdays are the best! Enjoy the Halloween Challenge!

  13. Charming Halloween decorations...love the skeletons! I agree, sprinkles and waffles sound like a great birthday tradition!

    1. Thanks Dianne, The Birthday cake waffles are my favorite!

  14. now that's a good way to celebrate a birthday. Make it a weekend. Birthdays are holidays, aren't they? Happy T day Nan. Hugs-Erika

    1. Absolutely...thinking it should be extended to a week long event...:)

  15. Sounds like a great birthday celebration to me! Birthdays have always been special for me--growing up, celebrating with our kids and grandchildren, remembering friends on their birthdays.

  16. How great to have a birthday on an official holiday! The breakfast waffle look great! I love your Halloween makes and so pleased that you linked to Try It On Tuesday! Belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

  17. What a delightful post, Nan. Happy birthday wishes to Fi!

    I love the idea of treating birthdays like a big holiday. But half-marathon "treat" - that one escapes me ;-)

    Your wood crafts are really cute.
    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  18. Sounds as though that was a great birthday, Nan! Such fun halloween spookiness ... those skeletons are a riot! Thanks for your visit! Anita :)

  19. Great Halloween projects and nice to see the neighbourhood getting into the spirit of Halloween too

  20. Wonderful Halloween decoration! The skeletons of your neighbours look really creepy huh. Best wishes for your new year of life.
    Dear Greetings


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