Flowers on Friday, just because...

it's Awe-gust!
Yellow roses
This year, I found yellow knock out roses on my dad's birthday!  I always associate yellow roses with him and have never seen this variety before. After no roses at BJs for months, there they were...only three rose bushes and all yellow.  Some people think it's crazy, but I think it's a sign...or maybe energy?
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A gift from Nish
I am really enjoying this book about positive energy and the choices we make. Beyond what the book says, I wonder about energy and how it relates to the physical body, the mind and the soul. In the few days between August 8 (my parent's wedding anniversary)  and August 12 (my dad's birthday),  I think so much of them.  I feel they are always with me, maybe their energy is too. We all need to harness whatever positive forces we can. 

If I am looking for quiet contemplation, there is no place like my garden, and it makes me reminisce about all the happy times I spent gardening with my dad. That is probably what I love most about working outside.

some of the roses around my garden
My dad loved roses most of all, and  it was there that he taught me to really look at stop, to take the time and really see what is in front of me. Beauty, Appreciation, Gratitude, Love.

As they say, take time to smell the roses. Wishing you an awesome awe-gust.


  1. Gorgeous roses, enjoy smelling them. Yellow is a wonderful colour, filled with light and sunshine. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. Your roses are just beautiful and the yellow roses were indeed a sign.

  3. Love the fact you found a yellow rose. It seems to be meant to be. The book looks great. I'm all for positive energy. Enjoy those flowers. Yellow roses are one of my favorites.

  4. Your roses are fabulous. You are SO lucky to grow them, too. I love the yellow roses because they were my grandmother's favorite. I even planted a yellow rose bush by her grave. I've never seen ones like those, though.

  5. Happy August! Those yellow roses look so pretty and must have been such a lovely reminder of your dad - perfect 😁. I believe positive energy is a powerful thing and helps your health and wellbeing to ultimately bring you happiness 😀. The book looks like a great read and very thought-provoking which I'd enjoy too 😁. The roses in your garden are stunning and so beautiful! Thanks for sharing such wonderful memories and wishing you a very happy Sunday! J 😊

  6. Such beautiful roses, and even more special because of the memories they evoke. My mother was the gardener, but once we moved to New York when I was a teenager, she never took it up again. Nonetheless, certain flowers always make me think of her.

  7. I love roses mother was from Portland OR- the City of Roses. Everyone has rose bushes there. How nice to have such sweet memories of your parents, courtesy of Mother Nature.

  8. Hello, I went by to say hello, since I've been disconnected from everything for a long time. As always I love your work. That I still think that they are not chapucillas, but great works. A kiss.


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