Words on Wednesday...Irish style

The beautiful weather we enjoyed in Ireland enabled us to enjoy the scenery and spring flowers.  The hawthorn trees were especially spectacular.

Hawthorn blossoms
Seeing these reminded me of one of my favorite authors, Anne Doughty and her book The Hawthorns bloom in May.  Her historical novels trace the Hamilton family through several generations.  I put them in the books I treasure category.
Hawthorn Tree and view of the village
Up the hill, with a view of the valley flanked by a Hawthorn tree. I took this picture up by Horse Hill which is referenced in The Broken Fiddle by David Dunlop.   The Broken Fiddle is another piece of historical fiction that takes place in Tyrone and Donegal.  I really enjoyed this book both because of the story and because it takes place in the area around my home. The book is a sequel to  Oilean na Marbh, Island of the Dead, which I would rate even higher...a must read if you are interested in historical fiction.

For any Game of Thrones fans, part of it is filmed in Antrim, Northern Ireland. Here's a view of the water cascading down the rocks on the roadside.
Wish there was a place to pull over.
Next year, I hope to get to the Dark Hedges in Antrim, known as King's Road in Game of Thrones.  Hopefully, we will get the chance to stop and walk it, as well as take some photos.

Hope you have the chance to curl up with a good book! I am always looking for recommendations. Happy reading.


  1. The hawthorne tree is so pretty. My parents had a hawthorne tree in the front yard. Sadly, an ice storm broke the tree and they had to have it cut down.

    Thanks for the Game of Thrones pic. Will have to look to see if we spot it in any of the episodes.

  2. I really liked the scenery in Northern Ireland as I did go there when I went to Ireland many years ago. hanks for the book recommendations too. I'm not familiar with either you mentioned. :) Erika

  3. The Hawthorn tree is gorgeous. I clicked on the photo to look more closely, and think there are some near here. I just never knew what they were.


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