2nd on the second

For a new feeder, back to the drawing board…nature wins. I’ve been lucky to have monarch butterflies visiting my garden regularly.  I really wanted to attract hummingbirds to my yard, and Onz gifted me with a feeder a few years ago. I have had no luck with it, except for hundreds of tiny ants that I would find when cleaning and refilling it. I gave the feeder a miss and passed it on. Maybe the next owner will have better luck. I gave up all notions of finding a hummingbird, when one appeared  feasting on bee balm in my trellis planter.
Hummingbird in my garden
Inspiration for procreate practice 

I have seen the hummingbird a few times, apparently they are quite territorial and return to the same plants frequently. They are quite small so you have to look closely. It is fascinating to watch as it hovers sipping the nectar with its wings beating furiously. Once again, it is evidence of the wonder of nature.

2nd on the second

Looking back on 2020, these still remain some of my favorites into 2021. 


  1. I love your bee balm and hummingbird drawing. I have planted bee balm, but it isn't looking like your lovely drawing.

    I also love the books and flowers. This is a stunning bookcase and UI can see why it is a favorite of yours. Thank you so very much for sharing this with us as your second look on the 2nd, dear Nan.

  2. Really pretty hummingbird and books - your art is very lovely! I see why tese are some of your favorites for sure!!!!

  3. Beautiful hummingbird. That would make a lovely birthday card. There's a hummingbird that visits my yard in early Spring as he loves the honeysuckle vine. Fun bookshelf, too.

  4. Lovely! I am not sure what procreate is but I have seen this more than once lately so I am going to look it up.
    Happy Tea Day,

  5. Beautiful art and seeing hummingbirds is amazing! We don't get them over here but we've been lucky enough to see them on our travels to America 😁. I hope you are keeping well! Wishing you a very Happy T Day and a wonderful August! Hugs, Jo x

  6. My hummingbird feeder has an ant trip on the top that keeps ants away if you keep it filled with water. I'm glad they like flowers, too, and I try to plant for them.

    Happy T Tuesday!

  7. I've never seen a hummingbird as they don't live in Europe. Your drawing is beautiful.
    As is the bookshelf. (I love books)
    Like Kate I am a bit confused about the word procreate. I always thought it meant 'to reproduce sexually', and when i looked it up, I could not find any other meaning.I can't see any connection with the hummingbird other than 'bird and the bees'. Anyway...
    Happy T-Day,
    Take care,

  8. You should have gotten a water cup-ant trap to hang between the feeder and your pole. It works like a charm. But I am glad you finally saw a hummingbird. They are so cool, aren't they? I hope you had a fantastic T day Nan. And happy August. Hugs-Erika

  9. The hummingbird drawing is another of your fabulous creations! We've had a hummingbird around our patio several times this summer, but other years they've been daily visitors. Evidently, others in the neighborhood are having the same experience.

  10. What a fabulous post! The Humming bird did want to come into your garden after all! Hugs, Chrisx


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