Mail on Monday...and a little

Hello, watercolor.  It's been a while since I pulled out my watercolors. I forgot how much fun it is.
Watercolor hi
Bittersweet  vines remind me of fall, and so does this tiny little leaf I found on my walk this morning.
Some of the mail I have received include 2 great ones from Jean.
black and white fun lettering
This was black and white when I received it, which I loved. I had it sitting on my desk for a while, and decided I would color it in. I think it looks great both ways, and plan on using her design on an envelope in the future.
What is the formula here?
Not sure, but an awesome idea.
I loved how unique this envelope is. Jean always has some fabulous ideas; this one will take some time and effort to, it will be a while before I am up for the challenge. Hands down, these are the best stamps I ever received on an envelope! If it is possible to absolutely love postage stamps, then I absolutely love these.   
Letters mingle souls is the caption.
I need to ask Jean where she found these...still gobsmacked!  And finally, from Onz, a perfectly punny card.
Don't let this happen to you!
As for me, I woke up in a great mood...must have been the fun weekend, and finishing off the night with some Mill River wine and fine chocolates!
Wine and chocolate pair nicely...
Cheers to lovely mail...and wine and chocolate! Wishing you a happy Monday!


  1. Your bittersweet vine is very pretty. Awesome mail. those designs are fabulous. Great pun. Mmmm, Russo's chocolates. Enjoy a piece or two for me!

  2. Your watercoloring is wonderful, and what fun mail you've received!

  3. It's always exciting to do something you haven't done in a awhile. It's like a new discovery. Love the mail art too. Hugs-Erika


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