Monday Motivation and Mail

Mild weather means putting some bulbs in the ground. It is  65 ° outside, so perfect for a little gardening.  Into the soil they went,  8 virichic tulips (late spring), 5 double late Dream touch (late spring), 20 large cupped Narcissus (mid spring) and leading the charge, wildflower mix tulips (early spring).
They are nestled in.
If you plant them, they will come....
And if you write me, I promise to write back. Though I must admit, my letter writing list is getting longer! And did I mention I love it!! Big props to my penpal Janet for introducing me to Art Cover Exchange, which "promotes art, philately, friendship and correspondence among its members" I have already gotten some great mail and been introduced to some really interesting people.
Through the mail slot!
I really can't wait to see what the mailman brings every day! And of course, I have to reciprocate, so I have added that to Pushing the Envelope Exchange with Jean Wilson. That was my first art exchange group with a big thank you to CJ for introducing me to it, and Jean for doing such a great job organizing the exchanges. PTE is a great way to create and share artful envelopes.

Fall greeting.
May you beleaf in yourself and the beauty in the world and may a little happy mail grace your mailbox!


  1. Too cute nan, jealous of all your fun mail xx

    1. I will have something in the mail to you soon! Xo

  2. I have no room to plant anything this year, but I want to thin out a few things so the flowering perennials can actually bloom next year. You seem to be on top of things at least. I have to admit I'm in love with all the postage stamps.

    Did I mention how much I love your calligraphy skills? You certainly get a lot of mail and I suspect a lot of it is because of your incredible art.

  3. Those tulips look amazing, you've reminded me that I should be planting some bulbs now as well, thank you! I hope to see those beautiful blooms on your blog next year 😁. Wow, you have received so much happy mail, it must be so exciting when your mail arrives to discover what people have sent you - perfect! You created such a beautiful card too with the pretty painted leaves, leaf and acorn embellishments, Mr Fox and of course that fabulously fun handwritten sentiment 😁. I love it! Wishing you a happy Monday and a great new week! J 😊

  4. Happy mail and flowers, both things I love! I am sure the tulips will look wonderful, it's always so exciting to watch them grow and bloom. And I love 'beleaf in yourself'! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Those tulips are going to be gorgeous! Too bad the warm weather wouldn't stick around through the Winter, your bulbs would be blooming by February. Very cool mail. I love your Beleaf in Yourself. Very clever.

  6. Do you free-lance write for others, too ;-)). Love all your correspondence fun and ideas for sharing art!

  7. It's hard to beat happy mail and flowers. The deer get our tulips, so mine come from Wegmans.


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