Veterans Day

Veterans Day falls on the 11 of November, but since it is a Saturday this year, it is observed as a federal holiday on Friday.
Flags flying at Fellsmere Park
“This country has not seen and probably will never know the true level of sacrifice of our veterans. As a civilian I owe an unpayable debt to all our military. Going forward let’s not send our servicemen and women off to war or conflict zones unless it is overwhelmingly justifiable and on moral high ground. The men of WWII were the greatest generation, perhaps Korea the forgotten, Vietnam the trampled, Cold War unsung and Iraqi Freedom and Afghanistan vets underestimated. Every generation has proved itself to be worthy to stand up to the precedent of the greatest generation. Going back to the Revolution American soldiers have been the best in the world. Let’s all take a remembrance for all veterans who served or are serving, peace time or wartime and gone or still with us. 11/11/16 May God Bless America and All Veterans.” 
― Thomas M Smith

I urge you to visit Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund and read more about the memorial.  As time goes on, the sacrifices of those who fought and died become a statistic, and lose the humanity. The site includes the faces of the wall, which honors their memory.

I remember  and pay tribute to Edward McEleney, who grew up in my neighborhood, enlisted in the Navy just of a high school and was killed in Vietnam 2 years later. He is honored on panel 1W Row 78.

Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country's cause. Honor, also to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field, and serves as best he can, the same cause.
-Abraham Lincoln

PBS is showing a documentary by Ken Burns on the Vietnam War.  Let us not forget. Peace, hope and honor for the future.


  1. I love your tribute to Veterans Day. My post will go up at midnight. I also agree about the veterans who served and are forgotten. I've interviewed five Vets from Vietnam after I told my friends I knew nothing about the war, and had not seen the Ken Burns special. By the time I found it, it was off the air, and now I catch one show a week. Your tribute to veterans today is wonderful, heartwarming, and personal.

    1. Elizabeth, your posts on the veterans were informative and heartfelt. You brought faces to the tragedy, which is sometimes lost. I have looked back on your posts several times as a reminder. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Let's put an end to wars so we never have to put our sons and daughters in harms way.

  3. Let us hope things go smoothly with our present government and that sooner, rather than later, we won't need veterans. They do an amazing job of protecting us however! Hugs-Erika

  4. I always find the Vietnam Memorial to be a moving experience. I was also very moved the last time I was in Washington, D.C. by the Korean War Memorial. I keep offering prayers that somehow we can extricate ourselves from the current conflicts and find a way to a peace that lasts.

  5. What a poignant post, I love your tribute dear Nan! We have "Remembrance Day" over here in the UK. It's such an important day, one where we can respect our past and look hopefully forward, and more than anything, thank those who have served. I hope you had a lovely weekend and wishing you a happy new week! J 😊


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